Week 1
Pray for your personal growth and for your family.
November 6
Pray for your personal needs, worries and concerns.
“If we give more of ourselves to God, God will give more of Himself to us.” Mark Batterson
Pray for your family’s needs and issues.
“The more we sense his majesty and the more we realize our dependence on him, the more readily we will go to him for every need.” Timothy Keller
november 9
Spend time waiting upon the Lord. Quiet your mind in order to hear the voice of the Lord in your heart.
“Prayer is a conversation that leads to encounter with God.” Timothy Keller
november 10
Meditate (think over and over) on a favorite portion of scripture.
“If we pray without meditation, our own communion with God becomes poor and distant.” Edmund Clowney
NOvember 11
Pray for God’s protection over your family, especially your children. Be sure to pray for and honor all veterans in your family and everywhere on this Veteran’s Day.
november 12
Pray for our children and the next generation. They are the future of our church, community and country.
“Question: What is the chief end of man? Answer: Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.”
The Shorter Catechism
week 2
Pray for our church and our city.
november 13
Pray that the escrow closes on our new church building.
“Jesus never mentioned unanswered prayer, He had the boundless certainty that prayer is always answered.” Oswald Chambers
november 14
Pray for our city as we are still recovering from the tragedy of the October 1st shooting incident. Pray for the victims' families, the wounded still recovering, and the first responders.
november 15
Pray for Crossroads and our church leaders. Ask for God’s wisdom and blessing over all our pastors, volunteers, board members, Care Group leaders and everyone who serves.
november 16
Pray for the leadership of the various cities in the Vegas Valley: Henderson, Las Vegas, North Las Vegas. Pray for each mayor, city council, and police and fire departments.
november 17
Pray for every individual, couple and family who compose the Crossroads Church family. Ask God to meet financial needs, heal hurting relationships and bless every family. Also, congratulations to Kyle and Heather on this their wedding day.
november 18
Pray for our schools. Ask for God’s blessing over every teacher and administrator/staff person.
november 19
Pray for Crossroads as we enter into a new season with an escrow to close, a new building to be renovated, and an additional neighborhood to reach.
“God formed us for himself…He meant us to see Him and live with Him and draw our life from His smile.”
A.W. Tozer
week 3
Pray and give thanks for our state and country. And pray for our missionaries here and around the world.
november 20
Pray for the leaders of Nevada and our nation: the president and the governor and all elected officials.
november 21
Pray for our missionaries who labor to bring the love and light of Jesus to the lost around the world. Pastor Justice in Kenya, Africa; Angie Thompson in Romania; The Bergstrom’s w/ Mercy Ships; The Twadell’s w/ Evangelical Friends Mission; The Baja Mission/Orphanage in Vincente Guerrero, Mexico.
november 22
Pray for our country that our legislators would govern righteously, and that we as a nation would turn away from sin and to Jesus.
november 23
Give thanks for God’s goodness in your life: Jesus’ healing work of the cross; your family and friends; your church; God’s supply for your daily needs. Happy Thanksgiving!
november 24
Pray for our local missions outreaches that impact the Vegas Valley for Jesus and ask how God can use you in your community. Pray for: Calvary Downtown Outreach; Las Vegas Rescue Mission; Club Christ; YWAM the Pier; Women’s Resource Medical Center and Teen Challenge.
november 25
Pray for the healing of America: spiritually, racially, judicially, economically, governmentally and physically.
“…intercession is a hidden ministry that brings forth fruit whereby the Father is glorified.” Oswald Chambers
november 26
Pray that the Crossroads church family will continue to grow in serving and reaching our community for Jesus. Pray for our Christmas outreaches: Gifts for children for Club Christ; Food drive for Calvary Downtown Outreach; Blanket/sock drive for Las Vegas Rescue Mission; Feeding the homeless on December 9th at Calvary Downtown Outreach.
We encourage you to continue growing in your prayer life. Prayer is a vehicle by which we cultivate our relationship with God. For it is through prayer that we hear from God, begin to know his mind, and develop his character within us. It is for this relationship we have been made.